Let’s Connect

“Awareness is the first step in healing.” – Dean Ornish
As a teletherapy practice, we conduct our psychotherapy through video conferencing on your computer, tablet or smartphone. These sessions are conducted through confidential, HIPPA compliant technology. No need to worry about how far away my office might be, or dealing with the hassles to traffic and commuting. Through teletherapy, I’m able to help and support clients throughout California, rather than within a limited location. Isn’t technology great?!
FREE 20 MINUTE CONSULTATION: If you are interested in receiving teletherapy psychotherapy sessions with me, we will first have a free 20 minute consultation video session to (1) answer any questions you may have, (2) address the teletherapy technology for technology-smooth sessions, (3) get a sense of what it would be like working together, (4) address cost and payment arrangements, and (5) identify the issue(s) you are seeking psychotherapy for. If it turns out face to face therapy is best for you, or we are not a good match for any reason, I will do my best to provide referrals of other therapists you may want to consider.
Let’s connect, and explore together whether my therapy style is the right fit for you. Just call me on my confidential phone line to make an in-person appointment
(831) 271-7775
Or email me at janene@janeneforsythmft.me
I look forward to connecting with you soon!